Teaching News Writing
1910 saw the first Stanford course focused directly on journalism, an English class entitled “News Writing.” Since then, more than 210 people have been listed as journalism or communication faculty at Stanford.
Highlights from The Stanford Daily Archive
Stanford Men Start Newspaper. The Stanford Daily, Volume XXXVI, Issue 2, 12 January 1910
Everett W. Smith, Stanford, '99, To Teach Journalism. The Stanford Daily, Volume XXXVI, Issue 75, 27 April 1910
Miss Ida A. Tarbell Is The University'S Guest Noted Journalist To Examine Peace Data. The Stanford Daily, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 40, 6 March 1911
Many Opportunities For Women In Journalism So Says Miss Tarbell In Yesterday's Address. The Stanford Daily, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 49, 17 March 1911
Alumni In Newspaper Work. The Stanford Daily, Volume XXXIX, Issue 14, 14 September 1911
Newspaper Man Writes On Stanford Customs Gives Impressions Of Visit In Chicago Journal. The Stanford Daily, Volume XXXIX, Issue 3, 30 August 1911
Class In Journalism Visits Chronicle Inspects Various Departments Of City Daily. The Stanford Daily, Volume XL, Issue 76, 29 April 1912
Stanford Praised In English Newspaper. The Stanford Daily, Volume XLII, Issue 3, 9 January 1913
Miss Beatty To Speak On Journalism. The Stanford Daily, Volume 44, Issue 61, 7 April 1914
Journalist Speaks Tomorrow. The Stanford Daily, Volume 47, Issue 12, 15 September 1915
Journalist Tells Value Of Bookkeeping. The Stanford Daily, Volume 47, Issue 13, 16 September 1915
Journalism Department To Have Room In Basement Of History Building For Students. The Stanford Daily, Volume 47, Issue 65, 1 December 1915
Journalism Course Will Be Explained By English Department Monday. The Stanford Daily, Volume 47, Issue 8, 9 September 1915
Newspaper Men To Meet At Stanford. The Stanford Daily, Volume 48, Issue 46, 15 March 1916
New Assistant In Journalism Study. The Stanford Daily, Volume 49, Issue 3, 31 August 1916
Confidence Basis For Success Of Daily Newspaper. The Stanford Daily, Volume 49, Issue 7, 6 September 1916
Newspaper For Women. The Stanford Daily, Volume 50, Issue 1, 9 January 1917
Bookstore Disposes Of Newspaper Agency. The Stanford Daily, Volume 50, Issue 31, 20 February 1917
Noted Journalist To Tell Japan'S Viewpoint. The Stanford Daily, Volume 51, Issue 21, 30 October 1917
Women's Journalism Club Elects Four. The Stanford Daily, Volume 52, Issue 2, 3 January 1918
Journalism Students Visit City Papers. The Stanford Daily, Volume 53, Issue 24, 3 May 1918
Conferences To Be Held In Journalism. The Stanford Daily, Volume 54, Issue 4, 7 October 1918
Stanford Journalism Women Visit Campus. The Stanford Daily, Volume 55, Issue 21, 13 March 1919
Stanford Journalism Wins Back Pre-War Conditions. The Stanford Daily, Volume 55, Issue 28, 7 April 1919
Journalist Will Feature Tuesday Evening Lecture. The Stanford Daily, Volume 55, Issue 43, 28 April 1919
Banquet Planed For Will Irwin '99, Stanford Alumni Plans To Entertain Journalist And Wife May 13. The Stanford Daily, Volume 55, Issue 52, 9 May 1919
Great Need Of Journalism Department Is Now Evident. The Stanford Daily, Volume 55, Issue 67, 2 June 1919
Journalism Professor At Eastern Conference. The Stanford Daily, Volume 56, Issue 19, 14 October 1919
Famous Journalist To Visit University. The Stanford Daily, Volume 56, Issue 56, 9 December 1919
Noted Journalist Will Speak At D.P.A. Banquet. The Stanford Daily, Volume 56, Issue 58, 11 December 1919
Faculty who taught in the 1910s:
Robert Luther Duffus, 1917-1918, Editorial Writing
Ural N. Hoffman, 1916-1918, News Writing; Editorial Writing; Advertising
Everett Wallace Smith, 1910-1917, 1918-1933, News Writing; Current Newspapers; American Journalism
Warren Paul Staniford, 1918-1920, News Writing; Practical Reporting; Advertising
Course offerings in the 1910s:
President’s Annual Reports from the 1910s: